PeakHill Goldfield Gold Mine, Western Australia

Re-equipment of processing one million tons of ore Fotenamu (Fortnum) treatment plant is nearing completion in mid-June 2006, trial production is expected in June, plans to produce the first gold in early July. Fotenamu treatment plant with an annual output is expected to 55,000 ounces of gold, using the resources Thomas (Toms),亚拉维尔罗(Yarlarweelor) and iron horseshoe (Horseshoe) deposits. The mine is mined in an open-air-to-channel combination and is wet smelted. The ore reserves/resources of the ore field are 13.1 million tons, and the average grade is 2.5 g/ton. Geneagle Gold owns 100% of the shares. (Source: Resource Network)


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