Scientists study the use of screen filters to solve vision problems

Researchers in the United States have developed a new screen technology that uses algorithms to change images to suit vision problems. The technology works by using a transparent plastic filter attached to the front of the display with thousands of small holes that can be adjusted to provide the user with a clear image.
"The algorithm changes the light emitted from each pixel. Through the small hole in the plastic filter, the light recreates a converged image when it reaches the retina," said Rachel Metz of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "The key to this idea is how to predict the degree of distortion of natural light in your eyes. This is a change of glasses or contact lenses. You can adjust the screen to achieve it."
Next month, they will present their research at the annual International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Technology and Exhibitions, which will be held in Canada. After that they will be dedicated to building a prototype model in the real world through screen testing.

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