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Taylor's standard sieve has two series, one is the basic 毓, the sieve ratio is The other is an additional series, the screen ratio is . The Taylor sieve is the name of each sieve used in the length of the screen per inch (equal to 25.4 mm). The number of screen openings per inch of screen length is referred to as the mesh, referred to as the mesh. For example, there are 200 mesh holes in the length of each inch of the screen. This sieve is called a 200 mesh sieve. The 200 mesh screen is a base screen of a Taylor sieve having a mesh size equal to 0.074 mm (i.e., 74 microns). The fewer the mesh, the larger the mesh.
For the basic series, the mesh size is one step larger than 200 mesh. , that is, 150 mesh; the mesh size is one step smaller than 200 mesh. , that is, 270 mesh. The screening of the ore dressing products mostly uses the basic sieve sequence. Additional screening is used only for narrower-scale screening in order to perform more precise tests.
The types of standard sieves commonly used in China and the meaning of the nets
At present, China has not yet issued a national standard sieve. The standard screens commonly used in China are Taylor Standard Screen and Shanghai Standard Screen. The Shanghai standard sieve is similar to the Taylor screen. The standard sieve is the main tool for sieve analysis. It consists of a set of sieves with a certain proportion of the size of the sieve, the width of the sieve and the diameter of the sieve are all made according to the standard. The cover and the bottom can be operated by hand. It is placed on a vibrating screen for screening. The level of the standard sieve is arranged from top to bottom according to the size of the sieve holes. The order of the layers in which each sieve is placed is called a sieve order; the ratio of the size of the sieves of two adjacent sieves is called a sieve ratio; the sieve used as a reference is called a sieve. As long as the two parameters of the sieve ratio and the base sieve are known, the sieve size of each sieve of the series of standard sieves can be calculated.